Etelä-Suomen Klubitalot
About us – briefly in English
About Us
Etelä-Suomen Klubitalot ESKOT ry runs seven Clubhouses in Finland, offering opportunities and peer support to people with mental illness in six different cities. Our Clubhouses follow Fountain House principles and working community model, cooperating closely together with both national and international Clubhouse communities.
Our Clubhouses are centres where the community formed from our members and employees comes together. In this community we can offer encouragement, provide peer support, learn new things and form long-lasting relationships. Our activities are formed around work-oriented days, where each participating member can utilise their own abilities and strengths within the Clubhouse.
Our members partake in decision-making and can decide themselves which activities they participate.
Our daily approach is recovery-oriented practice – we firmly believe that each of our Clunbhouse members is an expert in their own life and aim to offer support in a way that makes sense to them. Our members have the autonomy and independence to determine their own paths to recovery, while being respected part of our community. We aim to offer means for leading personally satisfying life for all our members, finding purpose and positive sense of self while supporting return to work or studies.
To us, everyone has the same right to be part of our society.
You can be part of this!
We are open to donations and always happy to form connections with possible employers who might be interested in offering Transitional Employment placements or traditional employment to our Clubhouse members. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information! If you are interested in becoming a member of our Clubhouse, just send a message to the Clubhouse and they will help you.